Training Links

Here are a few links that I think are beneficial and fun.  They have helped me along the way, and I browse them frequently.  I will update these as I find more.

Starting Strength Home Page - From here you can access the SS forums, product purchasing pages, and other resources such as articles and videos.

MWod - Fantastic blog about mobility and the like, run by Kelly Starrett.  Search for body parts, movements, etc to find the mobilizations and movement patterns you need.  Excellent resource.

70's Big - A fun and informative blog run by Justin Lascek that covers many topics such as Oly Lifting, Powerlifting, Mobility, diet...etc.

Ask Scooby Forum - Here's a forum I'm a moderator on.  Great for home fitness questions, nutrition, losing weight and the like.

The Westside Barbell Book of Methods - one of the bibles of powerlifting.  Excellent read.  Highly recommend.  Straightforward, informative, and really a bit more advanced than novice programming but put it in your toolbox for later if you're not there yet.

Other blogs I follow--Chaos&Pain, LiftBangRun, Jon North's Blog and Donny's Blog.  I also subscribe to a few cool YouTube Channels such as MDUSA's channel, KK's channel, Misha's channel and of course, supertraining06.  Check them out!

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