Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A continuation of the last post...

So if you've had some time to think about those questions, what did you come up with?

You see, I have little experience in the professional life--that is--work.  I worked here and there as an early and late teen, and now, at 20, I'm about to enter the professional world.  By this time next year, I should have had a job for a few months already.  But where will I be 5, 10 years from now?

I think a thing to beware of is "growing up."  Leaving youth and childhood behind to endure the new stresses of life, we put on our work faces and grind away at ourselves day in and day out to make a what? A living!  But as Carlin says, where has our life gone?  Where is the youth, energy, and childhood curiosity to motivate us if we've condemned it as "unprofessional" and "inappropriate?"

Kids have passion, lack shame, are curious, accepting, and open minded.  They learn and adapt and grow.  Why should we stop living this way when we hit a certain age?  I fear that I will become a slave to a job.  I will have to close off avenues to maintain the one street open and traffic--my energy and time--flowing through that street.  That I will be constantly worrying about a career.

I really hate that word.

9 AM - Enter Cage.  1PM- Feed.  6 PM exit cage only to return again tomorrow.  

Since when has man been defined by his work life?  We work to eat and we work to play.  Our work shouldn't be an entity of its own.  When we tire, we sleep.  Just like every other species in the world.  We shouldn't trap ourselves in the "workweek" and the "9-5."  We are human beings.  We are free to roam and wander, yet we chain ourselves down and call it "stability."  Is that any way to live?  Blessed are those who are truly free.  Who live not to work, but work to live.

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