Friday, November 30, 2012

People should be more like dogs

Here's something that I've been thinking about from time to time when I see dogs on the street.

People should be more like dogs.

Why?  Well, the thought came to me when I happened to see a dog relieve himself of his past meals in the middle of a fairly busy NYC street.  Divine inspiration, you can call it.  The owner looked distressed and somewhat embarrassed, passers-by smirked, but how did the dog feel?  Well, he didn't give a shit.

OK, I had to.

But really, the dog showed no signs of embarrassment.  In fact, he rather enjoyed himself I think.  Perhaps he enjoys being the center of attention.

I wish I could be as shameless with a face like that.

What am I trying to get at?  Should we all take dumps on the sidewalk?  No.  For the love of all that is good and right, no.  But, can we learn from our shameless canine?  Absolutely.

Too often are we burdened by other's opinions--so much so that we neglect our own comfort and needs.  I've been guilty of it too.  In the end though, who cares about the dirty look someone may give you for doing something that makes you comfortable?  Provided you're not actually harming anyone else in any capacity, shame in doing something that is otherwise natural, comfortable, and a cause for making you a happier person is downright silly.

We suppress our own needs by wearing unbearably tight jeans, high heeled foot-destroying shoes, suit jackets in 90 degree heat, etc etc.  And it's not just about clothes.  We don't talk about certain things in public.   We don't reveal certain things about ourselves.  We'd rather compromise honesty than be thought of as weird, or a little out there.

Then there are those who do that for a living--hipsters--which are also in the wrong.  But that's for another post.

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